That's what Mr. Computer aka Mr. C said when told him I've started a blog. That plus "don't put our business on the street". I keep wondering what business do we have to put out there. We've got a lot of electronics that I'd like to put out but no other business that really belongs out there.
There are two adults and one rather large dog (who thinks that he's human) that live here (aka "the barracks" according to Mr. C) and I'm ashamed to say we have more than 5 working computers at the barracks at any given point in time.
Although I'm a fabulous multitasker even I can't use two computers at the same time. Mr. C is a one task at a time kinda guy (love ya babe!) and most times he's only on one computer at a time. So if Mr. C is on the #1 and I'm on #2 other - does that mean that TJ's working on #3 through 5?
I've never seen it myself but since he's got four legs, I can only imagine that he's probably using his front paws for #3, his back legs for #4 and for #5 - he's really quite adept at using his tail to move objects around so a keyboard is no big deal.
Earlier this week #4 suddenly and rather unexpectedly passed away. A moment of silence please............ Ok so #4 went back to the big CPU in the sky and after a brief but poignant service, I was dispatched to Geek Squad to see if there was anyway to resuscitate him.
Unfortunately - after extensive probing, the news was not good. With a heavy heart I called Mr. C and had to break the news that #4 was just not worth $$ fixing. My suggestion which was agreed to at that time - Clean the hard drive and donate it someone who can give it a better home.
I gathered my thoughts, prepared my best arguments and counter arguments and proposed to Mr. C that we should also perhaps put #2 #3 and #5 up for adoption and let's replace #4 with a Mac which we both can share. That would then mean that we would be down to 2 machines - #1 and #4b. You'd swear I'd asked Mr. C to go without his BB for a week. (we'll save that for another post)
We discussed my proposal back and forth for hours (probably seemed like hours to him - more like 15 mins for me) and I'm not sure how it happened but it appears that we're going to be trying to fix #4 and we're going to add #6. What the heck happened to my well rounded argument? Where's #6 going to go and who's it for?
As I type Mr. C has announced to all present in the room - Mother, TJ, #3 and #4 and me that -"this is the perfect weekend to buy some electronics"
God help us all!
I had a moment of silence for your lost computer... I know how hard it is to have one so suddenly pass away. Rest in Peace Dell #1...
Praise be to Darwin that I have a pusher of old laptops in my arsenal. Thanks to Mr. Broccoli Bank, I am up and running with #2. If I had to search one out on my own and buy it, I'd still be in the electronics store.
Scribe - I may need to get Mr. Brocoli Bank and Mr. C together for Mr. B to work his magic.
My only concern though is that he may invariably convince Mr. B that new is the way to go.hmmm
Have fun on your trip
Thanks Mim. Mucho luvre!
We'll plan a meeting of the minds upon my return. Mr. B is all about reusing so you may not have anything to fear!
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