Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Ouch I hit my Weenis!

Hey ya'll,

Well I think i've figured out what's wrong with me - I'm going multiball and i'm not even on those meds yet. In addition this morning I hit my weenis - Ouch what a way to start the day!

Last night I had some pretty violent dreams - I was street fighting in the slums of Mississauga and I was getting my ass kicked left and right. No matter how hard I tried some soccer mom in a mini-van get cutting me off, it was horrible - no wonder I woke up in a foul mood.

After the bad dream and the weenis incident I was in an absolutely fabulous mood heading to BFL. Needless to say I was an absolute bear in the office. According to Mags - she thinks I have officitis - I know I was trying to create Kittywompus.

I'm normally a very agreeable and likeable person but I know that they were glad to see the back of me today.

Heck I was glad to see the back of me today!

1 comment:

Simply Mags said...

It's never a good sign when you start going all Kittywompus on people's asses......I think that's the step before going all postal.