Thursday, April 8, 2010

With friends like these...

You can really tell who your friends are when you're down and out. For the last couple of months I've been searching for a job and my lady friends have really stepped up and shown me their love. They are such an eclectic group of ladies but I love them for all of the ways that they contribute to my life so in no particular order

Thanks for being my friend Mags - You're such a good listener as you've patiently listened to me whining about all of the pretty things that I suddenly want to buy. It is fabulous that you've finally understood that the world revolves around me and only me!  You really need to do something about your NASCAR addiction, not everyone loves Tony Stewart. By the way, the change is coming so get ready...

Thanks Shoppers (that's what I'll call you on the blog) - I've known you since I was a young and dewy twentysomething some two or three years ago. You make me howl with your stories about the Fruitarian & weekend road trips. It's fabulous that you share my love of Twilight, the Vampire Diaries and the importance of a good pension - I knew I liked you for a reason. I know that we're going to be friends until we're old and wrinkled :) Heck if the Fruitarian can have a well paying job, I know I can get one too! Love the support! BTW - How do you eat chocolate croissants and stay so slim...

Bless you Scribe - I swear woman you must have X-ray eyes or mood sensing radar 'cause whenever I seem to be really low, the phone rings and it's you. I really look forward to our coffee and convo - sometimes I think that you must be an earthly manifestation of one of my spirit guides. But then I look at those freakishly short arms and legs that I love so much and think...nah my guide's gotta be taller. No offence but...

Dreaming about you Doris.. - Well it's 40 below and I don't give a cluck....I will forever have Brewsters and Motherclucker burned in my memory. Because of you and ONLY you, I broke my hard and fast karoke rule (never sing in public) and laughed so much that night that it carried me through the entire weekend. Now if only I was coming to the DR with ya, honey. Have a Gran Ventana special for me...

Bella - My personal Heroine - Bella Swan's got nuttin on you chica! I wanna be just like you when I grow up. You are the most fearless woman that I know and always there with a helping hand and a ego boost when needed. How the heck did you learn so many languages... I can barely remember what I had for dinner last week. 

Jacques - My oldest and dearest friend who knows me almost better than I know myself and although we don't live in the same city, you've always got my back and I have yours. I'm really hoping that sometime before I die we will both end up living in the same city or at least the same time zone. This year I hope all of your dreams come true.  

If it wasn't for these ladies I would've gone 'round the bend a long time ago. Then again maybe I've finally gone around the bend to meet them too.


Anasatan said...

I think there's a few people from Brewster's who will have my performance burned into their minds. It'll be a new psycosis...The Doristasia Effect! I'll be famous! Seriously though, I absolutely love how such a classy and sophisticated person like yourself can let your hair down with the best (or worst?) of 'em! Vive le Karaoke!

Olive and Ruby Cook said...

Thank God you fell for the classy and sophisticated act. Have a blast in the DR and I wanna hear all about it when you get back.

Much love,