Monday, March 8, 2010

Counting my blessings!

It was a really tough week last week, the lowest I think during this process of job searching. For some reason, I slid into a funk and felt like there was going to be no way out of this situation and no matter what I did, I couldn’t seem to pull myself out of it.

Now believe me, I have no desire to go back to the place that I worked. It was a really toxic environment that was eating away at my spirit so I’m very glad that it is over. The thing that I miss the most is the paycheque! For a while I was toying with the idea of self employment but I don't think that the time was right for me to go down that road. I haven't closed the door fully on that yet but I need to have a steady paycheque for a while because I've got some other plans.

This morning when I woke up, I awoke with a new attitude  - I'm determined to embrace all opportunities that come, I've surrendered to my job search to God and most importantly I'm counting my blessings. I've had some really good things happen to me over the last couple of months and I need to really acknowledge that

1. Blessing #1 - Mr. C has been really supportive and often has to talk me down off the ledge when I start feeling a bit anxious about this situation.

2. Blessing #2 - I have a great network of friends that have been incredibly supportive both emotionally and financially. One of my friends has even hired me on to work on a project for her company which has helped in topping up my severance.

3. Blessing #3 - I have been getting interviews. I seems to be averaging an interview every 1.5 weeks since I really started looking from the last week in January. I had initially thought this was pretty bad but after a conversation with a career counsellor, it seems that it is better than average. So I think I'm due for another interview sometime this week,

4. Blessing #4 - I've been able to devote a lot of time meditating, praying, reading , trying different visualization techniques and trying to focus on manifesting to get the position that I want and bring abundance into my life. 

With all these blessings, I'm confident that something new and fabulous job wise is on it's way to me soon.


Scribe said...

I'm with ya all the way Mim! 'Cause you rock and if anyone can do it, you sure can!

Olive and Ruby Cook said...

Thanks Scribe, it means a lot to hear (read) you say that. Sometimes we get so lost in the minutae of the life that we forget to see the good things that have happened.