Friday, March 12, 2010

This was a great week!

Nothing overly special happened but I had a great week.

I met an old friend

Heard a great joke

Celebrated a birthday 

Got a phone call

Had a Glass of Wine

Have a great weekend everyone!


Scribe said...

Have a wonderful weekend, my friend. My week was pretty good too. I went to the gym AND worked out, got my nails did (for free thanks to the generosity of my family) and bought new sheets and pillows for the house. And, I had a day off with no calls from the office. Bring on Saturday!

Let's do coffee this week, okay?

Olive and Ruby Cook said...

Absolutely. I'm hoping to head into the gym sometime over the weekend and get my workout back on. I fell off the wagon for about 2 weeks and allowed myself to wallow but I'm back baby!

What day do you think for coffee?

Scribe said...

Monday or Wednesday work for me.

Good for you for getting back on the wagon. That's the hardest part! Way to conquer!

Call me and let me know which day works for you.