Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Please don't poke me with your stick

So it's been a while since I've been somewhere where I'm in the minority. Let me tell ya here I am THE mother fucking minority which doesn't really bother me but please don't poke me with your stick cause I will poke back.

So we are staying in Kowloon which used to a cargo centre back in the day, so I would think that they would have seen some people of colour at some point in time buuuuttt maybe not so much. Everwhere we go Mr. C and I are pointed and stared at which is really quite amusing until yesterday.

Most people here seem to be at least 5'4 or 5'5 so people like my friend Scribe, here she would not have freakishly short arms and legs, she'd fit right in. But I digress. So yesterday we were taking a casual stroll on the boardwalk at noon in the 45 degree heat, 50+ with the humidity, when I was beset upon by a large group who had clearly never seen a Nubian beauty in all her rubinesque beauty, so after much gesturing i agreed to take a picture with them, probably to be taken back to their village to be used in some bizarre version of guess what I saw on my summer vacation.

It was all in good natured fun until the grandmother in the group pulled out a stick from her bag and decided to poke me and then seeing that I didn't react, she decided to pull at one of my braids. Well, it's all fun and game until some touches mamma's hair. Not wanting to be the cause of the breakdown in Chinese Canadian relations, I calmly reached into my handbag pulled out a pen, poked her with it and yanked on her hair.

See it's not so nice is it!



Scribe said...

Tell my people I say hello and tell them the next time they poke you, I'll be coming after them with my flippers poised for some serious damage!

Olive and Ruby Cook said...

Scribe I absolutely will make sure that I tell 'em.

Mags you better recognize...