Friday, August 21, 2009

Excuse me ma'am, can I show you my $68 panty...

Now I've been known to spend a bit of money on clothes because I like to make sure that I look good without spending a fortune. Okay my fortune might seem exorbitant to some but... I don't smoke, drink or have kiddies so I buy pretty things when my heart desires... however I had to draw the line the other day at a pair of smalls aka undies.

I took Mother for a bra fitting the other day and hadn't planned on buying anything for myself but... a sheer black and pink bra called my name and well... my wallet answered. Being a specialty bra shop, I knew that the bra would be insanely priced and braced myself for that. At the end of my fitting the bra consultant (salesperson) asked me if I'd like to get the matching panties to go with it and I said sure... thinking if Mr. C was good tonight he might get to see me model the set.

When I got to the register, I really wasn't paying attention but when the bill was totalled, I almost had a heart attack - the matching panties were $68 dollars. Now they were very pretty and would go beautifully with my new bra but I just couldn't part with that kind of cash just so they'd match a bra.

The bra consultant valiantly tried to get me to take the matching panties but in the end gave in when I said to her... Lady if I buy these panties every time I put them on I'm going to have to out without pants to get my money's worth and you really don't want to expose everyone to these thighs.

1 comment:

Simply Mags said...

good god! was the gitch stitched with gold??????