Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Mac n Cheese, Collards and Fried Catfish...

If you hear slurping sounds it's the sound of me licking my computer screen and it's not cause of this tasty dish.

It's cause of this tasty dish. His name is Van he is one of the chef's on this season of Hell's Kitchen and I've fallen in lust love with him and oh yeah... homeboy can cook.

God what wouldn't I give to go visit Hell's Kitchen one day during taping so that I could watch the king in action. Sigh... If asked I'd choose from the Blue Team's menu not cause the men are rocking 'tis season, but cause I'd know that Van was touching my food.

Tonight he threw down some collards that I just about licked the screen for. Hmmm - I could just taste the mac n cheese, collards and fried catfish that Robert and him prepared. ( I know it's not grammatically correct but let me tell you that dish was that good)

I keep waiting on them to come up with a story line around him but I think he's such a good cook that they're saving it until they get rid of all of the other idiots. I can't wait to see what they do with him next.
Van you've got a fan here in Toronto!

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